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Eagle Link LLC

Eagle Link LLC. The name of our company that creates ProSix Equine and ProSix K9. In 2012 or was it 2013, Jill and I met with a local business advisor. “Eagles, horses, and dogs?” He advised a name change. He also advised that we cut production costs by sending a prototype to China for deconstruction and get new quotes. We told him that we are Eagle Link, and we will always be made in America.

Eagles. The first time I met Jill, I brought a horse rescue organization to meet her, and see her farm. Jill had agreed to take on the care and shelter of 16 horses, to be seized in a local neglect case. 16 horses, most with body scores of 1s and 2s, all ages, and most all were unhandled and feral. This rescue group would help with the relocation and some funding for the horses’ care. That morning, as she and I stood outside her barn talking, she said “An eagle!” and pointed. “We have a lot of hawks here but I don’t remember the last time I saw an eagle!” The significance wasn’t lost on us, on this day of many firsts. We continued to see eagles after that, escorting our cars down the driveway headed to another court hearing for the horses, over the truck as we picked up a surrender, swooping overhead as we talked about plans or discussed horses, our families, and life.

Native Americans have described eagles as the messengers between heaven and earth, closely tied to Creator. Eagle sightings, to us, mean confirmation, encouragement, and a feeling of support by God, Universe, and our angels and ancestors. 11 years have passed and we often see eagles, and we are grateful for their messages. Eagles encourage us to look at things from a higher prospective, to be courageous, to trust in a future with possibilites we may not be able see yet, to become more than we dreamed we were capable of. Eagles, a link between heaven and earth.
Eagle Link.

Photo credit: Terri Donaldson Photography of U.P. Michigan. Thank you so much Terri, for sharing your beautiful captures with us!

Lynda Reese,
Equestrian and one of the ProSix creators.

Linda and Jill with standing with a horse.